Jul 23, 2009 / Labels: DulceDeLeche
Getting Down...Anilingus-Style
Jul 17, 2009 / Labels: MAN_HANDLE
Leather Org Cums in the Eye of Bareback Porn
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Jul 9, 2009 / Labels: DulceDeLeche
Let's CUT to it!
The other day, some friends and I were talking about dick (no surprise there!) and as my Cosmo did it's magic, i moved beyond talking about our experience with the small vs big dick talk and how we like to take it or for sum of us...give it and I asked if they were cut or uncut, and a long silence fell among us. I knew it was an extremely personal question, but hey...we were already talking about how we like to get fucked, so why not? Before they answered, I upgraded our drinks to Martinis to loosen the awkwardness and cut to the chase. (image source)
Several months ago, a friend of mine was telling me about his recent circumcision. I've never seen him so happy and proud...as if he had finally joined the club. He had taken pictures of his dick and showing it off to me...however, before he told me it was his dick pic, all he said was "look at this". I have to admit...it was soooo pretty and i was like "Who is THAT!". After he told me it was him...i blushed, wiped the drool from my mouth and i saw him in a whole new light and was immediately attracted to it...i mean him. And so, that's when i had a reality check....am I a dick cutting lover??? I always considered myself an equal opportuniy cock sucker...however, my newly circumcised friend reminded me that while I like to think i'm an equal opportunity slurp machine, he could recount the stories of how i would NOT suck an uncircumcised dick...including his!
The "hood", "cap", whatever you call it, boys are born with foreskin, covering the head of the dick. Deciding to circumcise is one of the biggest decisions our parents make and has a lasting impact as we go through adolescence and adulthood. But is it necessary to be circumcised? Some of us don't have the choice, as my friend did, and it's reported that about 65% of boys born in the US are circumcised. The procedure drops to less than half in boys born in Europe, South America, Central Ameria and Asia. The decsion to circumcise is usually fueled by cultural, social, or religious beliefs, including concerns about hygiene.
So what do the doctor's say about circumcision?
The Pros:
1) You are less likely to develope a urinary tract infection
2) Risk of penile cancer is greatly reduced
3) Less chance of irritation, inflamation and infection
4) Easier to keep clean
5) Evidence that it may offer an additional line of defense against STD's including HIV
The Cons:
1) Lost of sensation in the head of the dick, decreasing sexual pleasure
2) Painful
Many men, who often undergo the procedure as adults tend to regret it, claiming the difference in their sexual pleasure is like going from wearing a condom to wearing a glove. My friend who was recently circumcised did share he has noticed the difference, however, he also shared that he no longer feels embarrassed to walk around naked in the showers and feeling different from the other guys who were cut. As for my other friends whom i was having drinks with....well, lets just say there are no more secrets between us and that's the uncut truth!
While there are many claims that circumcision reduces the risk of HIV transmission, many other studies have found.."no significant effect of circumcision status and HIV acquisition" so, whether you are cut or uncut...best to put on that rubber on that bad puppy. Now, i'm going to hunt me an uncut dick and play with it...hood and all!
Jul 8, 2009 / Labels: MAN_HANDLE
FUK!T Honey - Can we see past the sexy?

A D.C. based work group, responding to the alarming rates of HIV among gay and bisexual men in Washington launched a really sexy ad campaign and materials as part of their first project. The ad campaign features a diverse set of models--nude and clothed--wearing condoms, holding condoms...just being downright sexy. My first response is that it's about time; finally...a really sexy condom campaign. (image source)
My second response: Can we see past the sexy? As an admitted horn dog, I acknowledge what happens to me when I see a nice round ass or a hard dick. I have to admit that ads that feature naked men will almost certainly get my attention.
But is that enough? What happens after we get past the sexy? Will these ads serve their intended purpose? What do you think? What makes a condom ad effective?
Here's some video from the FUK!T launch:
Visit Queerclick for the sexy uncensored images.
Jul 7, 2009 / Labels: MAN_HANDLE
Changing Positions – Title Track
As such, community based organizations and other public health officials put great effort into developing messages and campaigns aimed at fighting HIV transmission. Providers conduct research, collect data from their own day to day work and partner with social marketing experts to craft messages that will have the greatest impact with the largest group of people.
HIV Prevention messages have evolved a lot over the past 29 years. In the early 80’s service providers and public health educators focused on condom use. It was a period some called “Condom Education”. It was logical…it made sense…put a condom on and you’ll be safe:
The arrival of OraSure and the OraQuick rapid testing technology brought us into the new millennium with a renewed focus on HIV testing and linkage to care. In the face of increasing rates of HIV infection among gay men, particularly young people and men of color, providers sought to advance HIV prevention by switching focus from HIV negative people to identifying, diagnosing, and providing care for HIV positive individuals. As such, the messages were no longer about condoms. Instead, we heard about how, when, and why we should get tested.
Jul 6, 2009 / Labels: DulceDeLeche
The news of another vicious attack on a transgender woman durring the peak of Pride month once again re-inforced in me the challenges ahead of us. (image source)
As i walked the Pride parade route down 5th avenue, I couldn't help but think of our transgender brothers and sisters who were not there to march with us. While there were times when I just wanted to stop walking, i began to think about Leslie Mora, a beautiful transgender woman brutally attacked on June 19th by two men who beat her with a belt as her assailants called her faggot in Spanish. The attack left Leslie with multiple injuries and she was found nearly naked and bleeding on the sidewalk. I was disgusted by the news and my Pride festivities were marred by the brutality of this hate crime.
Hate crimes against the transgender community continue at an alarming rate. Even within our own LGBT community, transgender people are perhaps the least understood. Growing up, i witnessed many of my own transgender friends be targeted for hate violence based on their nonconformity with gender norms and/or their percieved sexual orientation. Anti-transgender hate crimes continue to be under-reported, often because there is doubt that local authorities will treat them with respect or investigate the crime. Or, there is a fear that exposure as a transgender person will jeopardize their jobs, housing or relationships with friends and family.
But we....I, can't be silent about this! The perpetrators must be brought to justice and the Queens DA must investigate as a hate crime. These punks tend to attack in groups and are cowards, and so we must also stand together to speak up and fight back. The transgender community is part of my community and family. In an earlier post, "Celebrating Pride" I asked, "why do you march?". I march for Leslie Mora, Sanesha Stweart, Nakhia Williams, Ashley Sweeney, Angie Zapata, Lawrence King, Simmie Williams, Ebony Whitaker, Rita Hester, Brandon Teena and many others who have been murdered for being transgender.
(to learn more about them click here)
Transgender Day of Rememberance, was started by activist Gwen Smith, as a day which marks the many lives lost in the transgender community due to hatred and bias.
Hate crimes against anyone in our community is intolerable, join me in doing your part in doing something about it. Speak up and stand up! and protect each other.
Jul 1, 2009 / Labels: MAN_HANDLE
PRIDE, Progress and the Preoccupation with Cum
Picture it: the year was 1992. So much stuff happened that year. Amy Fisher (the “Long Island Lolita”) shot Mary Jo Buttafuoco , George H.W. Bush threw up in the lap of Japan's Prime Minister, and the Rodney King verdict kicked off the L.A. riots. I was 15 going on 16, newly out of the closet and I couldn't get enough of the village and everything gay. I was so geeked out on Pride that I signed up to be a parade marshal walking alongside the Hetrick-Martin Institute and I broke night from Saturday into Sunday morning. I rushed home to get my turquoise Marshall t-shirt (I was so proud) making it back to the 5th Ave/57th St. area just in time to begin the parade. (image source)
It was overcast that day, but nothing could dampen my spirit. It was so amazing to find myself among other GLBT folks. I had no idea there were that many of us….people from all over the world, in every shape, size, and color. It was amazing. I wanted to see everything, meet everyone and do everything. I felt so safe. Stonewall 25 (2 years later) would easily trump my first Pride in just about every way (attendance, expense, etc.), but as you know…nothing can trump your first time.
The morning of what would be my 17th Pride parade found me browsing the net for news and reporting about Stonewall 40 and its significance. Understandably, the net was jammed with news about the untimely deaths of music legend Michael Jackson and 70’s siren Farrah Fawcett. A friend sent me an article that confirmed what I already thought was true. Nothing has changed. Despite an ease in attitudes toward gay people in much of mainstream society, we have the same rights we did in 1969. Sure, we can marry in certain states, but comprehensive equal rights for GLBT folk extend far beyond being able to say “I do”. Progress my ass.
GLBT second class citizenship has had a profound impact which is reflected in nearly every aspect of our lives. For the purposes of Changing Positions, I’ll focus on sex. The ways in which gay men met and socialized before the internet was determined by the times and the city in which they lived. Men didn’t start cruising parks because it was a sexy thing to do. They did it because circumstances at the time forced them to adapt. We developed non verbal cues, rules and norms around cruising. We did what we had to do to get off. Flash forward to 2009, and guys are still cruising...only this time we also cruise the internet. The technology has changed, but the circumstances haven’t.
Ever since I read about the invisible condom, I’ve been thinking about the time and money Chris Steel and his company must devote to develop a condom that disappears on film. I ain’t mad at him; companies must follow trends and give the audience what they are looking for. Apparently porn customers want to watch men fucking without condoms. What started as an underground movement of amateur pornographers making low-grade bareback porn has morphed into a formidable niche in the gay porn industry. Countless studios have sprung up offering muscle boys, twinks, groups, gay-4-pay “straight boys”, and mature men all engaging in bareback sex in varying degrees of intensity from the pre-condom classics (hey it’s 1965, no one wears condoms – peace man), modern amateur clips (people like it, so we’ll make it) to the “breeding” movies which feature internal cumshots. Most studios include an obligatory disclaimer about bareback sex. To paraphrase: it’s a personal choice between informed partners, our models are tested, blah, blah, blah. Translation: Our guys are fucking without condoms because you lap this shit up, but don’t blame us if you do it and get infected.
Which brings me to the cum. When did we become so obsessed with seeing guys cum inside of each other? Is this like…a known thing, and I’m late to the party? I mean, I guess I understand the concept of cumming uninterrupted into something warm, wet ….and tight, but the breeding films seem to have a fuck the system, living on the edge, Russian roulette quality to them.
So I have questions…
- Is it the chicken or the egg? Early news about pre-condom era films being repackaged raised concerns that folks would say fuck it..and stop wearing condoms. What do you think?
- Do you watch bareback porn? Why or why not?
- Is having bareback sex a way to exert power in a society that keeps us powerless?