Marriage is Between a Man & a Woman... and a Woman in Argentina

Don't Cry for Me Argentina!!

After disappearing for nearly 6 days, South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford & 2012 Presidential hopeful, revealed today that he was not on an Appalachian trail - as had been previously reported--but that he was in Argentina visiting a female "friend" with whom he carrying on an affair.

The word that comes to mind here is hypocrite. During the 2000 election, the Republican party used gay rights and gay marriage to frighten conservative voters into voting against their own ideals. With the country smarting from the Monica Lewinsky scandal, Bush promised that Republicans would bring family values back to the Oval Office. Prop H8ters say they are trying to protect to institution of marriage.

Pattern? Yes. From Palin to Gingrich, the Republicans have been positioned themselves as America's moral authority. For better or worse however, several current high-level GOP'ers have all but dismantled the concept that Republicans have cornered the market on morality. The list below provides some details on the private shenanigans of some of our public figures:

Randy Democrats:
  1. Dem. Presidential Candidate John Edwards - Adultery/Questions about use of campaign $
  2. Fmr. President Bill Clinton - Adultery, Cigars and more
  3. Fmr. NYC Gov. Elliot Spitzer - Adultery, Sex with prostitute despite prosecuting prostitution rings
  4. Fmr. NJ Gov. Jim McGreevey - Adultery, sex with male staffer hired on tax payers dime
Randy Republicans:
  1. LA Sen. David Vitter - hired prostitutes
  2. Sen. Larry Craig - cruising, caught soliciting sex from male in police sting
  3. Fla State Rep. Mark Foley - accused of soliciting sex via emails sent to congressional pages (teenage boys)
  4. Sen John Ensign - having an affair with a staffer's wife
Why do these people get to set public policy about private lives?

Which brings me to gay marriage. I want to be clear that I suffer no illusions that gay marriage will reduce HIV infection among gay men, but having the option may change the way we look at our relationships. I believe that living in a society where GLBT people can get married will change the way that young people in our community feel about themselves. If they don't feel alone, then perhaps the suicide rate will decrease. If people felt that their relationships were valid, they might appreciate them more.

I am fearful that Democrats and the gay community will "stay above the fray" and not point out the obvious contradiction in the way political leaders live their lives and the way they are forcing us to live ours. Mark Sanford will have to answer to his family. His infidelity is not my business. His hypocrisy is another story.


  1. bananawaffles says

    You had me with the title! I appreciate that someone is writing what we are all thinking or have thought about. I have thought about the hypocricy of how politicians and parties wish to define or rather redifine "marriage", yet it is state officials that aren't following what they wish to prescribe marriage.

    It's celebrite's 15 minute marriages, reality show proposals and politicians that are corrupting the "sanctity" not MY love and dedication to my man.

    A teacher once told me that when certain individuals are denied rights, there is no such thing as "true freedom."

    I won't be surprised if it is found out that "Maria" from Argentina is really a man named "Marco." cause if Republican's hate gays.. but they love their gay prostitues!

    Anonymous says

    I LOVE THIS!!! Man handle, you speak truth!

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